Online Team Building

Online Team Building Activities Your Audience Will Love

With COVID-19 disrupting businesses all over, most trainings and workshops have been forced to go online.

So, wonder how you could run team building activities for online trainings and workshops?

Leave the worries to us, we can help you run online team building activities.

What is online team building?

Online team building activities aim to bring remote participants together. It will create engagements from participants, achieve deeper bonds by creating a collaborative environment that’s similar to a physical setting!

Why is online team building important?

The physical distance of remote participants can quickly turn into emotional distance which in turn, leads to isolation. And when the participants feel isolated, they won’t be comfortable to engage with the trainers and mingle with other participants.

Online team building efforts consist of several carefully designed strategies, games and activities that are meant to bring more human interaction in a virtual environment.

16 Examples of Our Online team building activities

  1. Icebreaker Quiz
  2. Guess the Emoji Game
  3. Never Have I Ever …
  4. The Island Desert Scenario
  5. 9 Dimensions
  6. Guess My Personal facts
  7. Share Your Bucket List
  8. Guess the Best Combination to Cross the Bridge
  9. Continue the Storyline
  10. Share a Picture Game
  11. Mathematic Game
  12. Communicate with Aliens
  13. 1 Minutes Book Club
  14. Truths and Lies
  15. My Dream Vacation
  16. A Look at the Future

What is Included in Our Online Team Building Package

1. Speaker and Facilitators

    We provide a Speaker and facilitators in every break-up rooms.

2. Virtual meeting and screen-sharing tools.

We provide Zoom and Google Meet.

Why you need online team building activities?

Hundreds of thousands of meetings and training workshops all over the world have gone online because of Covid.

However, many trainers or speakers soon realise that managing a seminar or workshop online comes with their own set of challenges.

Online participants aren’t attending the session physically together, the speakers and trainers couldn’t engage with the audience like they did in physical seminar or workshops, this may impact the effectiveness of their trainings or speaking sessions!

Online team building is a fantastic way to boost audience engagement to make online sessions more effective.

For more information, click the link